File: src/
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
utils = require './utils'
Class = null
Base for all objects
@since 0.0.2
@class CoreObject
@extends EventEmitter
class MyClass extends CoreObject
# ...
class CoreObject extends EventEmitter
Get the name of the class
@since 0.0.2
@method className
@return {String} name of the class
@className: -> @toString().match(/function\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/)[1]
Log a string with the class name as a prefix
@since 0.0.2
@method log
@param {String} [level="debug"] level (debug, notice, info, warning, error, danger or fatal)
@param {mixed} items* anything to give back to the logger
@log: (level, items...) ->
unless level in ['debug', 'notice', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'danger', 'fatal']
items.unshift level
level = 'debug'
utils.log "[#{@className()}#{if arguments.callee.caller is @:: log then '#' else '.'}log][#{level}]", items...
Make an assertion and throw an error if it fails
@since 0.0.2
@method assert
@param {Boolean} expression the test to assert true
@param {String} message the message of the error if assertion is failing
@assert: (expression, message) ->
unless expression
utils.throw "[#{@className()}#{if arguments.callee.caller is @:: assert then '#' else '.'}assert] #{ message }"
Lock given properties so that setting them will fail
@since 0.0.2
@method lockProperties
@param {String} names* the name of each property to lock
@lockProperties: (names...) ->
for name in names
utils.lock(@, name)
# Returns the name of the class for this object
# @since 0.0.2
@method className
# @return {String} class name of this object
className: ->
Log a string with the class name as a prefix
@since 0.0.2
@method log
@param {String} [level="debug"] level (debug, notice, info, warning, error, danger or fatal)
@param {mixed} items* anything to give back to the logger
log: (level, items...) ->
@constructor.log arguments...
Make an assertion and throw an error if it fails
@since 0.0.2
@method assert
@param {Boolean} expression the test to assert true
@param {String} message the message of the error if assertion is failing
assert: (expression, message) ->
@constructor.assert arguments...
Lock given properties so that setting them will fail
@since 0.0.2
@method lockProperties
@param {String} names* the name of each property to lock
lockProperties: (names...) ->
for name in names
utils.lock(@, name)
Get the UUID of the object or fail if none defined
@since 0.0.2
@method uuid
@return {String} UUID of the object
uuid: ->
@assert (@_uuid and typeof @_uuid is 'string'), "undefined #{ @className() }#_uuid or not a string"
Get a string identification of the object
@since 0.0.2
@method identify
@return {String} the string identifying the object
identify: ->
"[object #{ @className() }<#{ @uuid() }>]"
Used to destroy the object
@since 0.0.2
@method destroy
destroy: ->
module.exports = Class = CoreObject